Are EV’s really better for climate-changing emissions?

Electric cars are an axiom of clean transport planning – they produce no tailpipe emissions, little localized air pollution and, potentially, no greenhouse gas output. But as their critics point out, they are only as green as the electricity that they use.

A power supply dependent on fossil fuels will produce greenhouse gas emissions from electric vehicles that are less than – but still comparable to – those from automobiles fitted with internal combustion engines (ICE)

One recent study by environmental scientists at the International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) projected that by 2015, a fully-electrified Nissan Leaf would emit 20 grams of CO2 (g/km) if driven in nuclear energy-reliant France, but 114 g/km in the decidedly less green fields of the UK.

A separate research paper by the European Association for Battery Electric Vehicles estimated CO2 emissions from a plug-in vehicle charged in coal-dependent Poland or Luxembourg at approximately 130 g/km — the same as the EU standard for cars with ICE in 2015.

But in the US and China, the ICCT estimates that dirty fumes from a leaf would be even worse, at 136 g/km and 182 g/km respectively.

Such figures are not widely understood, said Greg Archer, the clean vehicles spokesman for the Transport and Environment pressure group.

“There has undoubtedly been some hype about the short-term potential of electric vehicles,” he said, “but that is not to say that in the longer term they will not prove to be a very successful technology.”

Nissan Leaf  photo via Shutterstock.

About ecodistribution

Eco Distribution, Inc. is a California based Distributor and Representative Firm dealing in environmentally friendly and Green solutions. We have leveraged 30 years experience in responsible construction management to provide solutions for some of the most impactful challenges facing our air, water, and land. Our flagship product is a paint that has been proven to actually clean the NOx pollution from the air. The next product we were blessed with is an oil/hydrocarbon remediation system that is effective on everything from simple oil stains on a driveway, to complex oil disasters in the ocean. We are a supplier of BioClean Technologies products which are 100% eco-friendly cleaners, disinfectants, and degreasers with perfect ratings of zero for the MSDS Hazard Rating categories of Health, Fire, Reactivity, and Special. We continue to be diligent in our search for other bell cow products and services which are compatible with our mission statement, and have several on the horizon that we feel will be of significant impact to our environment, and our bottom line. We have a business infrastructure in place which we feel to be both effective and scalable, and are eager to grow the business into a legacy we can leave for our children, and theirs. For more information please visit
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