Our Mission

Eco Distribution, Inc. is a California based Distributor and Representative Firm dealing in environmentally friendly and Green solutions.  We have leveraged 30 years experience in responsible construction management to provide solutions for some of the most impactful challenges facing our air, water, and land.

Our flagship product is a revolutionary oil spill remediation system that can handle large scale situations on land or water, encapsulate, and neutralize the hydrocarbon completely.  It can then be collected and disposed of ecologically (meets EPA guidelines for landfill disposal) or left in-situ with no further impact to the environment.

It is economical, scalable, and readily available. On water, with the growing concern regarding the COREXIT products, it is a distinct advantage to have Oil Solutions as part of your remediation plan in case of a spill. If BP had, they might not have lost their leases.

The next product we were blessed with is a paint that has been proven to actually clean the NOx pollution from the air.

We are a supplier of BioClean Technologies products which are 100% eco-friendly cleaners, disinfectants, and degreasers with perfect ratings of zero for the MSDS Hazard Rating categories of Health, Fire, Reactivity, and Special.

We continue to be diligent in our search for other products and services which are compatible with our mission statement, and have several on the horizon that we feel will be of significant impact to our environment, and our bottom line.

We have a business infrastructure in place which we feel to be both effective and scalable, and are eager to grow the business into a legacy we can leave for our children, and theirs.

1 Response to Our Mission

  1. ebeneconseil says:

    Dear Sirs,
    I would like to represent and promote your environmental Policy, and products in Africa from Cameroon.

    Could you please consider this as a business collaboration and address it at your earlier convenience ?
    While I await,

    Ebene Moussole
    International Consultants, Inc.
    Environment Consultants & Quality Life Experts
    POBOX 13510 Yaoundé
    00 237 75 30 50 51
    Mob. 00 237 76 01 31 11


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